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Part of VMware vRealize Automation


Welcome to the Completed Activities Page

Completed Activities
Completed Activities


Completed Activity section can be used to monitor the status of completed jobs or activities. There are various status codes you may see on this page under the Status column:

Completed - the job has finished
Partial - the job is still waiting for some minions to return data
Skipped - the job was scheduled but did not run
Disabled - the job is part of a disabled schedule
Stopped - the job was stopped and cannot be resumed
Failed - the job ran but failed on the minion(s)

You can view the return data from the executed jobs by clicking on the JID link in the associated jobs column. When you click on the JID you will be presented with the return data in a couple of different formats. If you did a state.apply for instance you will see highdata being returned.

Highstate Return
Highstate Return

There is also a way to view the Raw JSON response. This can be helpful in troubleshooting and/or looking at what happened on the Event Bus.

Raw Data Return
Raw Data Return
Last updated on 17 Aug 2021
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